About Me

well..emmm...lets c...arrr...it's hard 2 talk bout myself..juz talk 2 me will ya..lolz.. >.<

Thursday, November 13, 2008


hella bored...i'm really darn stressed out with my examz n stuffs..
:'( n i really miss my bf cuz it's been months since i last talked 2 him..
i juz wished my examz were over..well it will soon..
n i'm planning 2 go 2 kuwait after my examz.. :)
oww yea..n mayb if my dad lets..i'll go 2 turkey 2..hehe..2 see my bf... =D
i'm sooooooooo excited...hehe...but 4 now..EXAMZ!!!!YIKES!!! lolz >.<
ciaozz...catcha later..

Sunday, November 2, 2008

heya'll!!! ^-^

heya'll!! ^-^ this is my 1st blog here..i juz created it..hehe..=P well..lets c..wat can i write..hmmm..
i'll be havin' my SPM examinations soon in a week.. =.= kinda freaks me out actually..lolz..but d real fun starts after it's all over.. =D since i'm new here..i would love 2 have many frens.. ^-^ so plz..feel free 2 add me..
i dont wish 2 brag bout myself eii... >.< hehe..so..juz be frens with me..u'll noe me then.. ^-^..soo gtg now..i'll update later..adioz amigos.. ^-^